Portrait and Life Drawing in Thanet

Life Drawing and Portrait Drawing Margate Art sketchbook drawingLIFE DRAWING and PORTRAIT DRAWING CLASSES THANET ADULT EDUCATION

I don’t get to draw people nearly as often as I would like to.  Other people are the most interesting things in the world to draw.  If I could spend all of my time drawing people it would be a life well spent.  As it is, I get to draw at a few Life Drawing sessions and at odd moments during my teaching practice.  It is never enough.  These drawings are from sketchbooks and are 10-25 minute drawings.

I teach some Life Drawing and Portrait Drawing at the Margate Adult Education Centre, on Hawley Square, on Wednesdays, Thursdays and the occasional Saturday.  If you scroll down the home page you’ll find pictures of the venue.  If you’re interested you can book a place on these courses at any Kent Adult Education Centre or via the website (https://www.kentadulteducation.co.uk/brands/mnid_123/Mr-Roy-James-Eastland.aspx) or over the phone (00030414018).  Note: please don’t be put off by terms such as ‘beginners’, ‘improvers’ and so on – these are just the standard Kent Adult Education course titles.  The classes are always made up of people with a wide range of previous levels of experience and ambitions (ranging between ‘beginners’ to practicing artists with degrees and MAs).


  1. So glad to get your announcement about drawing sessions… I have been drawing the model for years and i feel the same way about it… I want to draw in the mornings so i will come on wednesdsys and thursdays.. Look forward to it!

    1. There’ll be an all-day session on Saturday 7th March at Margate Adult Education Centre and they’ll be a new Wednesday morning Life Drawing course starting on 22nd April (it isn’t in the brochure but you can find it on the Kent Adult Education Centre website or ask at the Margate Adult Education Centre, Hawley Square). There’ll also be another Thursday evening Life Drawing course (I think that begins in April too – check the website for the dates). The best thing to do is to pop into the Hawley Square centre and ask the people at the counter for my classes there.

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